(b)a reference to legislation includes all regulations, orders,  

1.1. ‘DFL’, also referred to as ‘we’ or ‘us’, means Debt Free Limited trading as Debt Free, our successors and assigns or any person acting on behalf of and with the written authority of Debt Free Limited. 

1.2. ‘Client’, also referred to as ‘you’ or ‘your’, means any person acting on behalf of and with the authority of the Client requesting DFL to provide the Services as specified in any proposal, quotation, order, invoice or other documentation. You, as the Client, further agree that: 

(a)you and your is a reference to each Client jointly and severally;  (b)if you are part of a trust, you shall be bound in your capacity as a  trustee; and 

(c)our rights under this Agreement shall extend to your executors,  administrators, successors and permitted assigns. 

1.3. ‘Goods’ means all Goods or Services supplied by DFL to you at your request from time to time. Where the context permits, the terms  ‘Goods’ or ‘Services’ shall be interchangeable for the other and are described on the invoices, quotations or any other documentation provided by DFL to you. 

1.4. ‘Services’ means all Services supplied by DFL to you and includes any advice or recommendations about Credit Management and, where the context permits, shall include any supply of Goods as defined above.  

1.5. ‘Vouchers’ means the Vouchers supplied by DFL to you to load Debts to be collected on your behalf by DFL. The ownership of Vouchers shall remain solely and exclusively with you and shall not be transferable to any other third party without the prior approval of DFL  in writing.  

1.6. ‘Agreement’ means these terms & conditions, as may be amended  from time to time (including any orders, purchases or schedules as  applicable). 

1.7. ‘Debtor’ means the person, company, partnership, trust, organisation or any other entity that owes a Debt to DFL’s Client. 

1.8. ‘Price’ means the cost of the Goods or Services as agreed between  DFL and you subject to clause 4 of this Agreement. 

1.9. ‘Event of Default’ means your failure to comply with this Agreement  (including your obligations in clause 6). 

1.10.‘Debt’ means the amount of money owed to you from the Debtor. 

1.11.‘Commission’ means the fee DFL charges for the Services undertaken in collecting any Debt. 

1.12.‘Credit Management’ means any advice or recommendations given to you on the assessment, management and enforcement of credit  provided by a credit provider to a Debtor. 

1.13.‘Confidential Information’ means all information that could be  reasonably regarded in the circumstances as confidential, including  information that relates to the business, interests or affairs of a party,  this Agreement, the Materials or Services (as applicable), and  intellectual property rights, but excludes information which is: 

(a)in the public domain, other than as a result of a breach of this  Agreement; 

(b)in the possession of a party prior to the commencement of this  Agreement without any obligation of confidentiality; and 

(c)is independently developed or acquired by a party prior to the commencement of this Agreement without relying on information that would itself be Confidential Information. 

1.14.‘Insolvency Event’ means an event of insolvency or bankruptcy,  including: (i) the appointment of an insolvency administrator, manager,  receiver or liquidator; (ii) any action related to winding up or making a material arrangement in relation to creditors; (iii) applying for any type  of protection against creditors; (iv) being unable to pay your debts as they fall due; or (v) taking or suffering any similar or analogous action in any jurisdiction as a consequence of debt. 

1.15.‘CCLA’ means the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017. 1.16.‘FTA’ means the Fair Trading Act 1986. 

1.17.‘CGA’ means the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. 

1.18.‘GST’ means the Goods and Services Tax (as defined in the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985). 


2.1. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires: (a)headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;  

instruments, codes, guidelines or determinations issued under that  legislation or any modification, consolidation, amendment, re enactment, replacement or codification of it;  

(c)a reference to “in writing” includes by email;  

(d)the words “include” or “including” or similar expressions are to be  construed without limitation; 

(e)a reference to a party shall include that party’s successors,  permitted assigns and substitutes; and 

(f) a word importing the singular includes the plural and vice versa. 


3.1. You are taken to have exclusively accepted and are immediately bound, jointly and severally, by this Agreement if you place an order for the supply of Goods, Vouchers or any Services.  

3.2. This Agreement is to be read in conjunction with DFL’s Privacy Policy  (where applicable), and if there are any inconsistencies between any  other documents, then this Agreement shall supersede all other agreements. 

3.3. You warrant that you have the power to enter into this Agreement and  have obtained all necessary authorisations to allow you to do so. You  are not insolvent, and this Agreement creates a binding and valid legal  obligation to meet all your Debts when they fall due. 

3.4.DFL is appointed as your commercial agent when instructed to collect outstanding Debts on your behalf by undertaking DFL’s usual collection process as outlined in the information supplied by DFL.  Such appointment shall be ongoing until cancelled by you giving DFL  not less than sixty (60) days notice in writing. 

3.5. You shall issue Debt collection instructions to DFL by completing DFL  Vouchers, which may be completed on the DFL website, email  exchange of the Vouchers, or any other method as agreed between  DFL and you. 

3.6.None of DFL’s agents or representatives is authorised to make any  representations, statements, conditions or agreements not expressed  by the Director of DFL in writing nor is DFL bound by any such  unauthorised statements or representations. 

3.7. You acknowledge that overpayments made by the Debtor to DFL for the repayment of a Debt owed to you shall be returned to you by DFL,  and it shall be your responsibility to deal with such funds as is appropriate and required by law.  

3.8. Electronic signatures shall be accepted by both you and us (provided both parties have complied with sections in Part 4, Subpart 3 and all  other relevant sections in Part 4 of the CCLA). 

3.9.Where DFL has been provided with an email address from you for  communication, both parties agree to fully comply with all current  requirements of law pertaining to electronic communication and  disclosure of information. 


4.1. You will pay us the Price set out in any quotation or documentation we provide under this Agreement, plus any GST.  

4.2.Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing, the Price shall be: (a)indicated on invoices provided to you in respect of the Services; or (b)the Price at the date of delivery of the Services according to our  current price list; or 

(c)our quoted Price, which will be binding, subject to your acceptance of our quotation in writing within fourteen (14) days. 

4.3. The Price for Vouchers and any other Goods or Services shall be  DFL’s current Price at the date of sale. 

4.4. The Price will be payable by you on the dates we determine (at our  sole discretion), which may be: 

(a)on or before delivery of the Services; or 

(b)seven (7) days following the date of any invoice given to you if there is no notice to the contrary. 

4.5.Where payment is to be made via a direct debit arrangement (as  agreed between the parties), you accept that: 

(a)if a deduction falls due on a non-business day, it will be debited to  your account on the next business day following the scheduled  withdrawal date; 

(b)we will give you at least thirty (30) days written notice when changes to the initial terms of the arrangement are made. This  notice will state any other changes to the initial arrangement; or 

(c)If you wish to discuss any changes to the initial arrangement,  contact our representative directly. The changes may include: (i)  deferring the monthly deduction; (ii) stopping an individual direct debit; (iii) suspending the direct debit; or (iv) cancelling the direct debit. 

4.6. At our sole discretion, we may allocate any payment from you towards any invoice that we determine and may do so at the time of receipt or any time afterwards. On any default by you, we may re-allocate any payments previously received and allocated. In the absence of any payment allocation by us, payment will be deemed to be allocated in a manner that preserves the maximum value of our Security Interests in the Services. 

4.7. You shall not be entitled to set off against or deduct from the Price any sums owed or claimed to be owed to you by DFL nor to withhold payment of any invoice because part of the invoice is in dispute. 


5.1.Commission is due on every dollar collected in payment of a Debt on  your behalf and is calculated as follows: 

(a)25% plus GST on the first $5,000.00 collected;  

(b)15% plus GST on the next $5,000.00 collected; and 

(c)5% plus GST on the collected balance over $10,000.00. 5.2. Irrespective of whether collection costs have been collected or added  to the amount submitted for collection and regardless of any action  taken by you after submission of the Vouchers to collect the Debt,  Commission is due and payable if: 

(a)you or DFL receives payment or part payment of a Debt;  

(b)an arrangement for payment of a Debt is made by you, any  representative of you, or DFL;  

(c)You have agreed to the return of Goods or any other resolution that  is acceptable to you;  

(d)you locate an unallocated payment or engage in a settlement  agreement that is made through any other means where in DFL’s  opinion, Commission is due;  

(e)payment or part payment of a Debt is received by you or DFL  subsequent to the file being disclosed to us under written advice;  and 

(f) payment or part payment of a Debt is received by you or DFL as a result of any litigation process undertaken, regardless of whether the applicant is you or the Debtor, where associated expenses are acknowledged and awarded by the court as part of the Debt owed  by the Debtor to you. 

5.3. If you have, in DFL’s opinion, recovered a Debt by taking action through court using an external law firm not associated as a contracting partner of DFL at the conclusion and cessation of DFL’s collection process, then Commission shall not apply. 

5.4.DFL may deduct its respective Commission or any other money owed by you to DFL (plus GST) out of any money collected on your behalf. 5.5.Upon receiving payment for a Debt from a Debtor (or any third party),  you shall immediately notify DFL of the Debtors or the third party’s payment. 

5.6. If a liquidator exercises their legal right to claw back any funds considered preferential payments from you, where DFL has recovered such funds on your behalf, you acknowledge and accept that any  Commission paid in connection to that recovered Debt will not, in any event, be refundable. 

  1. PRIVACY ACT 2020  

6.1. You warrant that all information provided to DFL regarding the Debtor,  including but not limited to any individual, company or other entity, has  been collected in accordance with all required privacy principles (as defined in the Privacy Act 2020) and that prior consent from the Debtor was obtained for the use or disclosure of that information in any way deemed necessary by DFL to collect the Debt from the Debtor or to notify a default with any credit reporting agency. 

6.2.Where a default has been recorded against any Debtor submitted for  collection, and you subsequently confirm any error on your part that  negates the default, you shall be liable for all costs incurred by DFL in  removing the default recorded from any credit reporting agencies  records, including any liability in relation to fines or expenses incurred  by the unauthorised default listing. 

6.3. You authorise us (and our agents) to collect, use, retain and disclose  personal information (as defined in the Privacy Act 2020) about you  and your personnel that you or they provide to us, in accordance with  clause 5 for the following purposes: 

(a)assessing creditworthiness and exercising our rights, and  performing DFL’s obligations under this Agreement; 

(b)direct marketing purposes (including by email and other electronic  means), unless you notify us that you do not wish to receive direct  marketing from us; 

(c)using the services of credit reporting and debt collection agencies,  and you consent to us disclosing personal information (including  any information about default and repayment history) to a credit  reporter, who may hold that information and use it to provide its  credit reporting services; 

(d)registering a security interest under this Agreement; and (e)the use or transfer of personal information to a related company in  connection with the performance of our obligations or exercise of  DFL’s rights under this Agreement. 

6.4. If you provide any personal information about a third party (including  your personnel) to DFL, you confirm that you are authorised to do so  by the relevant individual, and you have informed the relevant  individual that they have the right to contact DFL to access and, if  applicable, request correction of any personal information that DFL  holds about them. 

6.5. If the Services are expected to involve the sharing of any data sets, or  other personal information, by DFL to you or you to DFL, DFL will  enter into a separate data protection agreement with you. 

6.6. If you do not provide the personal information requested by DFL, we  may not be able to perform our obligations under this Agreement. 6.7. You can make a privacy complaint by contacting DFL via email at  [email protected]. DFL will respond to that complaint within  seven (7) days of receipt and will take all reasonable steps to make a  decision regarding the complaint within seven (7) days of receipt of the  complaint. 

  1. CONSUMER GUARANTEES ACT 1993 & FAIR TRADING ACT 1986                                                                        

 7.1. You agree that the amount claimed for collection does not include any  Debt collection costs, and if Debt collection costs are sought, they  must be: 

(a)clearly and separately identified; and 

(b)legally recoverable through notifying the Debtor of such expenses  before any Debt is incurred. 

7.2. You acknowledge and agree that by submitting any Vouchers to DFL,  you warrant that no dispute exists in respect of the Debt referred to on  the Vouchers, and you further indemnify DFL against any claims  arising from any action taken by DFL on your behalf.  

7.3. You indemnify DFL against any expenses or liability incurred by DFL  for any breach of the above agreements. 

7.4. If you are acquiring the Goods or Services to resupply the Goods or  Services in trade, you undertake that you will: 

(a)contract out of the CGA to the maximum extent permitted by law  which shall include your contracts with your clients; and 

(b)procure that your clients and each other person in the distribution  chain thereafter, contract out of the CGA to the maximum extent  permitted by law in their contracts with clients. 

7.5. For the purposes of section 5D of the FTA, the parties acknowledge  and agree that, if you are acquiring, or hold yourself out as acquiring,  the Goods or Services in trade: 

(a)to the extent permitted by law, you are contracting out of sections 9,  12A and 13 of the FTA; and 

(b)it is fair and reasonable for the parties to be bound by this clause. 7.6. You will indemnify DFL against any liability or expenses incurred by  DFL due to your breach of this clause. 


(a)any money payable to DFL becomes overdue, or in DFL’s opinion,  

8.1. Subject to the conditions of the guarantee set out in clause 8.2, DFL  guarantees that if any Goods or Services (including any business  documentation) DFL provides are not enforceable in a New Zealand  court of law, DFL will completely (one hundred percent 100%) refund  the amount paid for the Goods and Services. 

8.2. The conditions applicable to the guarantee given under clause 8.1 are: (a)the warranty shall not cover any inability to enforce any Goods  where it is caused by or arises through: (i) failure on your part to  follow any instructions or guidelines DFL provides regarding the  Goods or Services; (ii) failure on your part to properly use the  Goods or Services; or (iii) any use of the Goods or Services for any  purpose other than the appropriate applications specified on the  quote, invoice or any other documentation supplied to you; and (b)you agree that DFL shall not be liable to compensate you for any  delay in remedying the defect or properly assessing your claim  regarding the defective Goods or Services. 


9.1. You hereby waive any right to cancel the Agreement or to sue for  damages arising out of any inadvertent misrepresentation made to you  by DFL. 

9.2. Any Credit Management advice, recommendation, information or  assistance provided by DFL in relation to Goods or Services sold by  DFL or for their use or application is given in good faith and is believed  by DFL to be appropriate and reliable. However, any advice,  recommendation, information or assistance provided by DFL about  any Goods or Services supplied by DFL is provided without liability or  responsibility on the part of DFL. 

9.3.DFL also makes no express or implied warranty or statement and  expressly negates any implied or expressed warranty (other than as  may be imposed by legislation such as the FTA and CGA) that the  Goods or Services will be suitable for a particular purpose or end-use. 

9.4. You accept all risk and responsibility for consequences arising from  the use of Goods or Services, whether singularly or in combination  with other products. DFL shall be under no liability for any indirect and  consequential loss or expense suffered by you arising out of a breach  by DFL of this Agreement. DFL’s liability shall be limited to damages  which under no circumstances shall exceed the Price of the Goods or  Services provided. 

9.5.When DFL provides drafting services of terms & conditions for you,  DFL’s liability shall be limited to the Price of the terms and conditions  unless due to our negligence. In this instance, DFL accepts full  responsibility (in accordance with clause 8.1). 


10.1.Unless waived by us in writing, DFL may charge interest at a rate of  two and a half percent (2.5%) per calendar month on the outstanding  amount from the due date of payment until the outstanding amount is  paid. 

10.2.If you owe DFL any money, you shall indemnify DFL from and against  all expenses and disbursements incurred by DFL in recovering the  Debt, including but not limited to internal administration fees, full legal  expenses on a solicitor-client basis and bank dishonour fees. 

10.3.Further to any other rights or remedies DFL may have under this  Agreement if a Client has made payment to DFL, and the transaction  is subsequently reversed, you shall be liable for the amount of the  reversed transaction, in addition to any further costs incurred by DFL  under this clause 10 where it can be proven that such reversal is found  to be illegal, fraudulent or in conflict to your obligations under this  Agreement. 

10.4.If, for any reason, Commission fees are not paid within seven (7)  days of DFL’s statement or invoice being rendered, then DFL reserves  the right to withhold action on further Vouchers until the account is  paid in full. 

10.5.Without prejudice to DFL’s other remedies in law, DFL shall be  entitled to cancel all or part of any order of yours which remains  unfulfilled, and all amounts owing to DFL shall, whether or not due for  payment, become immediately payable if: 

you will be unable to make a payment when it falls due;  

(b)you become insolvent, convene a meeting with your creditors,  propose or enter into an arrangement with creditors or make an  assignment for the benefit of your creditors; or 

(c)a receiver, manager, liquidator or similar person is appointed in  respect of you or any asset of yours. 


11.1.If you do not comply with DFL’s payment terms, then DFL reserves  the right to cancel any outstanding Vouchers in your name without a  refund. 

11.2.DFL may cancel this Agreement before the delivery of any Goods or  Services by giving written notice, in which case DFL shall repay all  money paid (less any Amounts Owing) and will not be liable for any  loss or damage whatsoever arising from such cancellation. 

11.3.If you cancel the Agreement (excluding Vouchers but including terms  & conditions documentation) for which DFL is providing its Services,  you shall be liable to DFL for any losses or expenses incurred by DFL  up to the time of, or as a result of the cancellation. At DFL’s sole  discretion, you agree that:  

(a)no fee will apply where notification to DFL is received via email to  [email protected] provided said cancellation is received within  the cooling-off period of five (5) business days;  

(b)after the cooling-off period, fifty percent (50%) of the Agreement  Price shall be due and payable where work has commenced; (c)where draft documentation is started (immediately after the five (5)  days cooling off period), the full Agreement Price is due and  payable;  

(d)all Vouchers will be subject to Commission if the Vouchers have  been loaded and acknowledged by DFL; and 

(e)any Commission shall be due if the Vouchers have been loaded  and it is later established that you or a representative of you  (including but not limited to any other collection agency) has  subsequently contracted directly with the Debtor and payment is  received, or a payment arrangement is entered into. In this event,  the Commission that DFL would have otherwise been entitled to  under the original Agreement will be due in accordance with clause  5. 

11.4.DFL will not refund amounts paid for Vouchers or Commission in any  circumstances. 


12.1.Any intellectual property rights in the design or manufacture of any  Goods or Services remain with DFL. Notwithstanding this, DFL grants  you a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence, allowing you to  reproduce in full any terms and conditions documentation that DFL has  supplied to you, including DFL’s copyright notice, to provide it to your  clients as part of your Credit Management processes. You shall only  grant your clients the right to retain a copy as a record of the dealings  between you and the relevant client. Apart from the non-exclusive and  non-transferable licence provided to you in this clause 12, you  expressly agree not to supply any of DFL’s documentation to any  person or entity for any other purpose whatsoever without the prior  written consent of DFL. 

12.2.You warrant that you have all necessary intellectual property rights in  any document or material (including, but not limited to, terms and  conditions documentation) that are supplied to DFL for its provision of  Goods and Services and that there is or will be no infringement of any  rights held by any person.  

12.3.You indemnify DFL for any claims made against DFL arising from  DFL’s use of any document, material or information supplied by you. 


13.1.Each party will comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015  (HSW Act), including all health and safety duties specified in Part 2 of  the HSW Act and all other applicable standards and codes of practice relating to health and safety. In addition, each party will comply with the other party’s pre-notified and reasonable health and safety policies when on the party’s premises. 

13.2.You must notify us of any known hazards arising from your premises  to which any person may be exposed, as well as inform us of any  notifiable injury, illness, incident or event (as defined in Part 1, subpart  3 of the HSW Act) to ensure that your workplace is without risks to the  health and safety of any person. 

13.3.Each party must consult, cooperate and coordinate activities with all  other persons with a health and safety duty in relation to the same  matter in providing the Goods or Services (including in connection with  the delivery of the Goods or Services). 

  1. TRUSTS 

14.1.If you at any time upon or after entering into the Agreement are acting  in the capacity of trustee of any trust, then whether or not DFL may  have notice of the trust, you expressly agree that:  

(a)the Agreement extends to all rights of indemnity which you now or  subsequently may have against the trust and the trust fund; and (b)you have complete power and authority under the trust to enter into  this Agreement, and the rights of the trust do not exclude or take  away the right of indemnity of you against the trust or the trust fund.  You will not release the right of indemnity, commit any breach of  trust, or be a party to any other action that might affect that right of  indemnity. 

14.2.You will not, without consent in writing from DFL, cause or permit any  of the following events: 

(a)the removal, replacement or retirement of you as trustee of the  trust;  

(b)any alteration to or variation of the terms of the trust;  

(c)any advancement or distribution of capital of the trust; or (d)any change to the trust’s property. 


15.1.Governing law: This Agreement is governed by and to be construed in  accordance with the laws of New Zealand, and each party submits to  the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand. You further  agree that all proceedings between you and DFL will be held at the  New Plymouth District Court. 

15.2.Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement  of the parties about its subject matter and supersedes all previous  agreements, representations and understandings. 

15.3.Priority: To the extent of an inconsistency between: 

(a)this Agreement; 

(b)all other schedules to this Agreement; 

(c)any privacy or data agreement (if applicable); and 

(d)the order of priority set out above will apply (with (a) having the  highest priority). 

15.4.Money held in trust: Any money held in DFL’s trust account shall be  done on a non-interest bearing basis. You shall have no claim on any  interest earned on any money deposited by DFL. 

15.5.Subcontracting: DFL may subcontract the performance of our  obligations (including to a related company) on the basis that DFL will  remain solely liable to you for the performance of DFL’s obligations. 

15.6.Assignment: You must not assign, novate or transfer your rights or  obligations under this Agreement without DFL’s prior written consent  (which may be withheld at our sole discretion). DFL may assign this  Agreement to any other person. Without limiting the foregoing, DFL  may assign to any other person all or part of the amounts owing by  you to DFL. 

15.7.Collection of Debts: You indemnify DFL and agree that DFL shall not  be a party to, and liable for, any action brought against you or DFL by  a Debtor in relation to any Debt that you have loaded with DFL for  collection. 

15.8.Amendments: Except where stated otherwise in this Agreement, any  amendment to this Agreement must be in writing, signed by both  parties, except where DFL is required to make changes to ensure  compliance with applicable laws, in which case DFL can give you  notice of any such amendments required, and you will be bound by the  same. 

15.9.Notices: Any notice, demand or other communication to be served on  a party must be in writing and sent by personal delivery, pre-paid post  or email to the address of the relevant party (or otherwise notified to  the other party from time to time). Any notice or other communication  is deemed to be received (i) if personally delivered, on receipt, (ii) if  posted by pre-paid official postal service, on the fifth business day  after posting (or seven business days after posting if sent from one  country to another), and (iii) if sent by email on the date and time that  the email was sent (as evidenced in the sender’s email sent history).  Notices received after 5pm on a business day will be deemed received  on the next business day. 

15.10.Force majeure: DFL will not be liable to you for any failure or delay  in performing DFL’s obligations under this Agreement where such  failure or delay is caused by events or circumstances beyond DFL’s  reasonable control, including any strike, lockout, labour dispute, delay  in transit, embargo, epidemic, pandemic, accident, emergency, order  of Government or other authority or act of God. 

15.11.Severability: If any part of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable,  it will be severed, and the remaining clauses of this Agreement will  continue in full force and effect. 

15.12.Waiver: A single or partial exercise or waiver of a right relating to this  Agreement does not prevent any other exercise of that right or the  exercise of any other right. 

15.13.Survival: Any provision of this Agreement, which is by its nature a  continuing obligation, will survive termination. 

15.14.Rights of third parties: This Agreement is not intended to confer a  benefit on any person other than the parties to this Agreement. 15.15.Relationship: DFL will provide Goods or Services to you as an  independent contractor. Nothing in this Agreement creates any  partnership, joint venture or employment relationship between the  parties. 

15.16.Non-exclusive: This Agreement is not exclusive, and you agree that  there are no restrictions on DFL to provide any Goods or Services to  any other person. 

15.17.Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in any number of  counterparts (including by electronic signature or by email exchange of  pdf copies) which together will constitute the one instrument. 

© Debt Free Limited 2021-2024

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Get notified when a client’s credit position or details change. Set the alert criteria by selecting the Alert Monitor Types, and you’re only charged $3.45 (including GST) if an Alert Monitor is triggered. Centrix will email your nominated email address within seconds of an Alert Monitor being triggered.
Brooke Ahern
Lower North Island Manager

Based on the Kapiti Coast in Wellington, with over ten years of success as a strategic, hands-on leader, Brooke Ahern brings a wealth of experience over his career, driving innovative revenue growth and profitability for his organisations. As Brooke progressed through his career, he developed a reputation for being creative and executing high-profile product marketing and growth strategies. These have significantly impacted an organisation’s bottom line.

After ten years of management experience ranging from business development manager to chief revenue officer for a large company, Brooke joined Debt Free Limited in 2022 after observing and experiencing the difficulties in obtaining and managing business documentation. Brooke saw an opportunity to provide New Zealand businesses with industry-leading credit-checking tools and documentation they need to mitigate/prevent future risk.

Brooke has a proven record of going above and beyond for his clients, and we are excited to have him a part of the team here at Debt Free

[email protected] | 0212262563

Mark McLachlan

Mark is an expert with ten years of experience dealing exclusively with business documentation and credit management processes. He has completed a New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services Level 5 qualification and consulted with thousands of companies, saving his clients millions.

Mark founded Debt Free in 2021 as he is passionate about helping New Zealand companies to succeed and flourish by getting paid their hard-earned money while avoiding typical issues faced in their industry. He has immense knowledge of real-life cases and how tailored credit management processes can prevent debt, address the unique demands of a wide range of industries, and remove risks and liabilities relevant to business activities.

Attending association and organisation speeches, Mark is a respected figure in the credit management industry and is a member of the New Zealand credit and finance institute.

[email protected].nz | 021 283 9027

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Imperdiet turpis ultrices ut nulla scelerisque. Phasellus posuere tristique suspendisse suspendisse at id blandit. Elit, pellentesque eget metus, massa ut mi pellentesque. Luctus libero consequat facilisi tortor volutpat morbi blandit pellentesque urna.

Mauris semper ut sed eu. Pellentesque metus integer pretium arcu velit aliquet maecenas feugiat. Nec pretium dolor vitae ultricies. Tellus morbi cursus tortor et diam amet blandit varius. Ut nisi pulvinar eget maecenas est pretium. Pellentesque eget amet posuere a faucibus condimentum pulvinar amet. Phasellus sed feugiat dignissim commodo ultrices.

[email protected] | 0212839027

Josh Whitehouse
South Island Manager

Growing up in Taranaki, Josh worked in business consulting for eight years, delivering successful solutions to his clients before relocating to Christchurch and joining Debt Free in early 2022 to look after the beautiful South Island.

Josh is a trusted and valued team member specialising in business documentation, business development, credit management and account management. He has helped the companies he consulted with to implement best practice credit management processes and saved individual clients hundreds of thousands of dollars. Josh entered this space for one reason, his absolute love and adoration for people and a passion for helping others to achieve greatness in business and life.

Josh’s business motto is “there is untapped greatness in all of us. Sometimes we just need a little help to cultivate it.”

[email protected].nz0272722132


Rana searle
Office Manager

Rana started as an Office Manager when she was only a teenager and has extensive experience across many different industries, including building, horticulture and healthcare. She is a great communicator, an avid list maker, and always plans things well in advance.

Rana is super helpful, caring and kind and is a perfectionist when it comes to documentation. She has an incredible eye for detail and thrives on getting stuck in and succeeding. Rana prides herself on being people-focused, loves motivating others to be their best and always puts her client’s needs first as she genuinely cares and wants the best outcome.

Rana is always smiling, has a proven track record, is a natural-born leader who loves managing a team and genuinely loves to help whenever and wherever she can. She is passionate about our purpose to make sure New Zealand businesses flourish and grow. Rana loves being able to help the people behind those businesses feel safe and secure to succeed and is a big part of the Debt Free team.

[email protected] | 0212226425